Last night, I started working on knitting some bracelets for Dia's friend, Jade. Her birthday part's this Sunday. I wanted to make her at least four and then I was going to make Dia one, and then any extras for any other girls at the party.
I only made two though. As my daughter ran off with one of the needles I was working with. And I can't even tell you how many times I told that girl to leave it be...
And now for a pity party...
I'm so sad. I can't have anything nice. No seriously. It always gets fucked up by Dan or a kid.
I'm on the verge of crying right now. Not just because my shit's all missing. But since we have no money for a present, this was the only way we could give her something.
Here are the two bracelets I did complete though.
My faux banglePunk Cufflet...
:sigh: And now it's off to continue searching....I've searched throughout this entire house. I have no idea where it is....