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Thursday, July 24, 2008

There's a needle gnome in my house....

And it's my daughter....I used to have 8 sets of needles....Now I only have maybe 3 working pairs. Either the full set is missing or just one.

Last night, I started working on knitting some bracelets for Dia's friend, Jade. Her birthday part's this Sunday. I wanted to make her at least four and then I was going to make Dia one, and then any extras for any other girls at the party.

I only made two though. As my daughter ran off with one of the needles I was working with. And I can't even tell you how many times I told that girl to leave it be...

And now for a pity party...

I'm so sad. I can't have anything nice. No seriously. It always gets fucked up by Dan or a kid.
I'm on the verge of crying right now. Not just because my shit's all missing. But since we have no money for a present, this was the only way we could give her something.

Here are the two bracelets I did complete though.

My faux bangle

Punk Cufflet...

:sigh: And now it's off to continue searching....I've searched throughout this entire house. I have no idea where it is....

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Back in the game

Soo a lotta shit's been happening that's prevented me from knitting. Uh, like breastfeeding damn near constantly. Gah...But he's now eating solids and it's been better.

And as the saying goes "Idle hand's are the devil's playthings". And yeah. We had soo much fun playing together one day that we decided to start a punk/goth/alternative parenting forum. Which for the first few months of it's conception was a nightmare!. AutarChic Parenting <-Come check us out!

Then we were in the process of moving. Not out of our complex, just to a smaller apartment. But that got nixed. After all the work we've done...:grumble grumble:

And then there were apointments and illnesses....And then general business of being a mom of two. Yikes! I never knew...Now that Dillinger's mobile I don't get much time to myself.

Speaking of time, that's all I have for now

How have I not gone completely crazy, yet?

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