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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Super(points) Tuesday & Blog Hoppin'

Still coming to terms with yesterday's events. So, I'm taking my mind off of things with the Tuesday Train (with My Mad Mind, The House on the Corner, & The Survival Mama) and Tuesday Google Friend Connect.


I also want to share with you some Superpoints invites, just for stopping by. Happy hopping!


Unknown said...

Yep, we started with the "still breastfeeding" comments at like 6 months. Aaand they're still coming! Hahah I am ready to wean anytime, people just don't realize how impossible it is if the kid doesn't want to! It's the same thing as taking away a beloved pacifier, and I can't deal with that, this is much easier to just let her self-wean. =) Thanks for the comment, I really appreciate it. What are Superpoints?? I keep hearing people talk about it.

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Exercise your own free will...do not censor yourself

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