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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Kyri's 8 weeks!

It's hard to believe that she's already 2 months old now. It's also strange to think that she should actually be about 5 weeks had she made it to her due date. Stupid perinatologists....

I have no idea how much she weighs right now. My guess is about 10 lbs.  I don't know how long she is either. But she can still fit in newborn onesies (albeit barely) & she's still too small for 0-3 month pants. And she's finally starting to fit her infant sized prefolds. Starting being the operative word; they're still a little bulky.

I'm still breastfeeding. It got really rough for a bit recently (even worse than previously mentioned), but thanks to Pyur's nipple balm things are better - which I plan on reviewing later.  She is still eating almost constantly, but lately she's been pulling off and crying. I dunno what's going there but it's frustrating. And she still has a horrible latch.

There's a couple of breaks in the day when she's not crying & is just content to sit there taking in everything around her. Those are my favorite moments. But other than that she's crying for food unless she's sleeping, which she's been awake most of the day now.

I know it all frustrates me to no end sometimes, but I know that very soon I'm going to look back and miss these times.


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